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Betsy Diedrick

Professional Writer


Nature Photographer

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Thank you for stopping by for a few minutes to peruse my website.   Within, you will find details regarding my writing background, list of publications, reader reviews, and information regarding my stunning new line of photographic greeting cards, Blessings from Betsy.  Also included is a quick escape into the enchanting world of my bi-monthly literary newsletter, 

The Return of Lady Ethereal.  Click on the menu bar overhead, and Lady Ethereal will accompany you to a land

of captivating stories, impish artwork, and charming prose, just the place where you might want to immerse yourself while enjoying a cup of tea. 


Additionally, for those in the field, a press kit has been provided.


After nearly twenty years of penning poetry and prose to amuse, inspire, and entertain, my charming memoir, Whispers

of Memories, is ready for publishing.  Unique in style, its collection of creative non-fiction short stories and poetry have been woven intricately together to create a beautiful tapestry that flows with humor, warmth, and awe!  Penned with a light touch and lovingly told, it opens eyes and hearts as the powerful hand of God influencing my life is slowly revealed, leading me down a pathway of evolving spirituality.  It is a book quite unlike any you will have read before!

Coming on the market now, my beautiful line of nature-themed greeting cards is available in select retail outlets.  Many of these high-quality glossy cards are so artistically stunning they resemble oil paintings.  Both lovely and soothing, they have been the inspiration for a photography book I am currently producing.  With each page accompanied by thoughtful prose, its serene ambiance creates a calming respite, one, that will ultimately make a lovely gift book. 


As I focused on my photography and artwork this past year, I have been inspired.  Moving into new creative endeavors, there are many artistic and literary projects in the works.  It portends to be a busy year!  


I hope you enjoy exploring my website.  If you have further questions, contact me at my email listed below.

Thanks for stopping by.  Sending blessing your way!


Betsy Diedrick                                                          





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